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Check the service times in your hand

With our new generation of technology-supported services, you can move your quality understanding to higher levels in customer satisfaction. Qsystem devices, which we offer in accordance with different needs and locations, ensure that customer waiting times are brought to the best levels. Arrays that are the most accurate equipment to perform an effective staff performance measurement are maintenance-free and long-lasting.
  You can meet customer demands in queue management ...
 Do you want to keep your visitors in less crowded areas, public institutions or offices where different services are offered together? We provide a unique service experience with our patient flow management solutions. In addition to meeting the increasing demand in health institutions, the systems that allow the collection of preliminary information about the patient can be tailored to the needs.
  Qmagic designs are used to ensure that visitors are required to receive services in order, or that private customers are entitled to the specified advantages, ensuring that customer expectations are best met. In addition to relieving the low density, the systems which provide the service to flow in order attract attention with its ease of use. Thanks to the terminals placed in an area where everyone can see the entrance to the venue, transaction requests can be placed in a certain order.
  Do Your Daily Business Plan in accordance with Incoming Requests!
 Consoles with a decorative appearance, LED displays can be used comfortably by everyone. You can also get support from technology for accurate evaluation of daily demands and efficient evaluation of visitor traffic. At the same time, with the qmagic software that manages the communication traffic, the information of the person requesting the service is reflected on the service screen. From this point of view, a serious time-saving system is important in terms of eliminating the problems that may arise between customers or patients.
  Our products, which have advanced traffic regulation software, are well equipped to meet the special demands of different sectors. Devices that meet the daily needs efficiently can be customized with additional accessories. The products used to provide a controlled waiting time as well as fair, are also ideal for measuring staff productivity. The workflow plan can be changed momentarily by means of systems that determine how much service demand is coming in the field.
  Which product is suitable for your needs?
 We can determine your kiosk needs to bring you the quality that will separate you from your competitors. You can choose between queue systems, customer feedback devices and thermal printers, and you can immediately begin to notice the benefits of your workflow. Card readers, number entry or models to be enriched with barcode readers help you to catch up with the standards of the age.
  With QMAGIC products with a wide range of products, you can start using the product that suits your needs and budget. You can increase the energy of the environment and maximize the motivation of your employees with the models designed according to the institution. By making the right choice, you can ensure that your patients and visitors can make trouble-free use and make a successful data transfer.


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